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En 'La muerte sale de fiesta', el escritor David J. Skal explica el origen y la evolución por una celebración pagana qual hoy es una poderosa arma do colonización cultural

A system in thermodynamic equilibrium must be stable. This means to say that small perturbations do not remove the system from its equilibrium.

En un discurso, el vicepresidente estadounidense Mike Pence criticó al gigante asiático por "explotar la codicia corporativa" y a la NBA y Nike por guardar silencio Derivado do los derechos do otras personas.

This method is based on a high-frequency excitation range in order to overcome the difficulties caused when the low vibration modes are excited. A structure made up of unidirectional carbon f...

La incorporación de tres nuevos magistrados facilita la actuación del Supremo ante un futuro juicio a Puigdemont

When we are outdoors on a sunny day we feel the effects of heat on our skin even if the environment is at a low temperature. Likewise, when we are near the fire, we feel more heat on the surface of our body that is exposed to fire than on the opposite surface. These effects are caused by radiative heat transfer from the emitting source, the sun or...

The transport properties of a bosonic daniel dantas mercado livre chain have been calculated by placing the ends of the chain in contact with thermal daniel valente dantas and particle reservoirs at different temperatures and chemical potentials.

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Walking along the liquid-vapor coexistence line of a pure substance into direction of high pressures and high temperatures, the vapor density increases and the liquid density decreases to the point where the densities of the two phases become equal.

However, we will study only systems constituted by particles of a single type. Thus the possible reaction involve get more info the annihilation or creation of particles of the same type. The particles are locat...

La "estrategia perfecta" do Cristina Fernández y otras 2 claves que permitieron al kirchnerismo volver al poder en Argentina

Returning to São Paulo in 1921, Pinto settled in Araraquara and started to work as a physician, founding and directing the first laboratory of clinical analyses in the region.

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